Whether you are planning to build a primary residence near the conveniences of the city, or a secluded weekend retreat in the mountains, you will most likely be able to find land that will suit your needs. While studying possible home sites, do your research.

Make sure you take a look at the area’s: average temperatures average annual rain amount average annual snowfall amounts local government schools crime rate property taxes shopping anything else that might interest you! Be sure you will be able to participate in your favorite activities, should you build in that area. Speak to local residents and area merchants. Most people are a wealth of information, and would love to be asked!

If you are looking at land in a subdivision or community, obtain a copy of their by-laws and restrictions. Gain an understanding of what will be expected of you. Should you choose to build there, this may save you a few headaches! Build your home in an area that makes you comfortable. After all, this is going to be your home!